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Did you know? Missing Teeth Can Lead to Heart Disease or Stroke
(World's No.1 Killer)

Source: Harvard Medical School Research

1000+ Implants
70 Doctors
6 Branches
10+ years
Teeth installed successfully
Dental Professional
throughout Jabodetabek

Penelitian demi penelitian menunjukkan bahwa orang yang memiliki kesehatan mulut yang buruk (seperti penyakit gusi atau KEHILANGAN GIGI) memiliki tingkat masalah kardiovaskular yang lebih tinggi seperti SERANGAN JANTUNG atau STROKE daripada orang dengan kesehatan mulut yang baik.


Apa Solusi Terbaik Untuk

Mengganti Gigi Ompong?​


Solusi Terbaik Saat Ini Untuk

Mengganti Gigi Ompong Adalah:


Implan Gigi (Dental Implant)

Apa itu Implan Gigi?

Implan gigi adalah gigi tiruan senyaman gigi asli

Implan gigi merupakan teknologi terkini dalam kedokteran gigi.


Terbuat dari bahan titanium yang disisipkan pada rahang dengan cara yang nyaman.


Implan gigi berfungsi untuk menggantikan gigi yang hilang dengan kenyamanan maksimal, memiliki bentuk dan fungsi yang menjadikan Anda seperti mempunyai gigi asli kembali.

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Dental Implant Benefits

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Restores Original Function of Teeth
Dental implants restore the chewing efficiency of having natural teeth. This allows you to enjoy your favorite foods deliciously and without pain.
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Long Lasting Replacement Teeth
Dental implants are resistant to decay, if dental implants are cared for properly they can last a long time or even last a lifetime.
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Improve Appearance & Confidence
If you lose teeth, your jawbone starts to shrink and makes your face look older. Dental implants can stop this process and restore your self-confidence.
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Dental implants reduce the discomfort caused by wearing dentures. You don't need to cover your mouth when you laugh because you're afraid your dentures will fall off.s to shrink and makes your face look older. Dental implants can stop this process and restore your self-confidence.
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Improve Speaking Ability
Dental implants will allow you to speak clearly and sound naturally, just like when you have natural teeth.
Konsultasi semakin mudah dengan Personal Konsultasi Online (PKO)

You can now schedule a free online appointment with us. Connect with a dental implants dentist to discuss treatment options during a private online appointment from your laptop, smartphone, or tablet. Convenient, safe, and easy.

What are Dental Implants?

A dental implant offers a modern solution for tooth replacement, mirroring the comfort and functionality of a natural tooth. It features an artificial tooth root that anchors securely in the jaw, providing stability superior to traditional dentures. 


Benefits of Dental Implants

Get to know the benefits of dental implants that go beyond comfort and aesthetics. Dental implants can change your lifestyle, more than you ever thought possible!

Why Choose Dental Implant Treatment at Dental Implant Indonesia?

We have served over 1000 implant cases, with a team of professionals who always use top-notch procedures. Prioritizing comfort and ensuring the longevity of the implant. Here's why Dental Implants at Dental Implant Indonesia is the best.

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Dental Implant Indonesia

1. Klinik Gigi Senyum Ceria (Grand Wisata Bekasi)

Ruko Boulevard Grand Wisata Bekasi Blok, Blk. AA9 No.25, Lambangjaya, Kec. Mustika Jaya, Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17158

2. Klinik Gigi Senyum Ceria (cabang Bintaro)

Bintaro Jaya, Ruko Kebayoran Arcade 1 Blok C1 No 18, sektor 7, Pd. Jaya, Kec. Pd. Aren, Kota Tangerang Selatan, Banten 15224


3. Klinik Gigi Senyum Ceria Lippo Cikarang


Ruko Plaza Menteng Lippo Cikarang, Samping Bank Capital, Jl. MH. Thamrin A No.20, Cibatu, Cikarang Sel., Kabupaten Bekasi, Jawa Barat 17550

4. KLINIK GIGI SENYUM CERIA (Cabang Mall mentropolitan Bekasi) 


Mal Metropolitan, Mall Metropolitan Bekasi (Mall, RT.008/RW.002, Pekayon Jaya, Kec. Bekasi Sel., Kota Bks, Jawa Barat 17148


5. Klinik Gigi Cheerup


Ruko Grand Plaza, Jl. Galuh Mas Raya No.23, Sukaharja, Telukjambe Timur, Karawang, Jawa Barat 41361

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